Aircraft Sales and Remarketing
Regardless of size, where owners are disposing of aircraft within a Global Market place there are demands placed upon inexperienced personnel and this has significant implications. The Implications in terms of hidden costs and activity occupation of otherwise unskilled staff in the disposal of aircraft are not to be overlooked. OneWorld will contract to undertake all and any of the related tasks to onward vend.
Specific components and modules of our capabilities are:-
Pre sale:
- Embodiment or removal of Modifications,
- Compilation and generation of E2 ((Structure) and E3 Survey reports
- Interiors,
- Upgrades
- Refurbishments
- STC’s and Airworthiness Approval Notices (AAN’s)
- Collection and delivery services
- Pre sale inspections
- Aircraft Surveys
- Technical shakedown and troubleshooting support services
- Generation and construction of back to birth maintenance record (where needed)
- Undertaking of proving flights and customer acceptance flight
Sales and aircraft remarketing phases:
- Understanding the clients needs
- Client on site representation
- Remarketing documentation
- Remarketing methodology
- Remarketing dbase and advertising points
- Marketing negotiations
- Type technical proficiency support
- Remarketing administration